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Our landmark decision to redefine homework was made in consultation with our School Leadership Team, and was a direct result of spending over a year and a half analyzing studies and literature focused on the effects of traditional homework.

It may surprise you to learn that research has demonstrated that there is almost no correlation between the amount of homework assignments students receive and students' academic success in the elementary grades. Our revised approach to homework celebrates the joy of childhood, and was enacted to make homework engaging and more enjoyable. Through this approach, children develop responsibility, form positive attitudes toward school, and understand that learning is a life-long experience -- not just something that happens within the confines of a school building or the pages of a workbook.

Below is some of the literature that supported our decision to move away from traditional homework assignments and, instead, focus on what has been proven to positively impact children's academic, emotional, and social development, including: time for physical play/activity, time with family, and limitation of screen time (i.e., computer, TV, video games).

Homework: An unnecessary evil? ... Surprising findings from new research

As Homework Grows, So Do Arguments Against It

Does Homework Improve Academic Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987-2003

Homework is wrecking our kids: The research is clear, let's ban elementary homework

​More Homework Won't Make American Students Smarter

Should Schools Be Done With Homework?

Too Much Homework is Bad for Kids


P.S. 116's revised approach to homework focuses on the components of PDF (Playtime, Downtime, Family Time). Read below to find out the importance of incorporating each of these into your child's day -- and, yours!


The Importance of Play

Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills

Why Kids Need to Play


The Benefits of Downtime: Why Learners' Brains Need a Break

The Joys of Doing Nothing

Why Boredom is Good for Your Child

Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime

Family Time

Family Meals spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S

Speaking of Dinner

Time Together: Spending Quality Time With Your Teen


Understanding PDF / Ready for PDF? How to Maximize Your Impact!

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P.S. 116 Mary Lindley Murray    210 E 33 Street NYC 10016    (212) 685-4366 

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