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Each New York City Public School is required to have a School Leadership Team (SLT) that is composed of equal numbers of school administration, teachers, and parents. The P.S. 116 SLT includes the Principal, 6 members of the teaching staff, the PTA Co-Presidents, and 6 parents (1 representing each grade).


The mission of the P.S. 116 School Leadership Team is to support the improvement of the teaching and learning of the current curriculum, examine the needs of the student population, and devise ways to help all students meet and exceed the standards. Further, the SLT is responsible for developing the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) and ensuring that it is aligned with the school-based budget.

The Team meets at least once a month for about 1 hour. Our regularly scheduled meeting is at 7:15 a.m. on the second Friday of each month. Members may also spend time outside of meetings on projects or other SLT work. Members are expected to attend every meeting and are required to contribute at least 30 hours per year to the work of the Team. Team members serve 2-year terms.

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P.S. 116 Mary Lindley Murray    210 E 33 Street NYC 10016    (212) 685-4366 

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